Thursday, October 11, 2012

Assembly Machine

New and Advanced Assembly Line Machine

I thought this prospect was interesting.
It is a machine that is able to move item about autonomously on assembly lines.
follow the link HERE.

Whats The Big Deal?

I was asking the same thing, until I found out that this robot was only $22,000 brand new and could work shoulder to shoulder with humans! Also the way the machine is programmed is pretty amazing, you grab it by the wrist and tell it what to do with a knob located on the arm.

This is a "big deal" because up to this point automated machines (Assembly Robots) cost upwards of $100,000 and need to be fenced off from personnel. Programming the machines is no picnic either!

One Day...

I am glad someone is making an affordable assembly machine, I could see myself owning one or two of these... eventually!